In media Such behavior can prevent agencies from working optimally with companies and proving the value of their services. This happens because online mediums use connection with their target audience as one of their greatest strengths, directing campaigns according to what they achieve. In this way, the role of the agency is to show the demand to the enterprise, so that the enterprise realizes the necessity of media investment, so as to achieve good performance. Now, the big question: How do you convince your clients to increase or start investing in media.
Just follow our steps: Step 01 ❙ Create Client Needs To start investing in media, clients need to understand the need to spend money on online events. This could be supported by the agency's investment in media through data or positioning of major companies and experts. According to perfect mobile number list do Exame magazine, 62% of Brazilians are active on social networks. This number is an important indicator that companies need to maintain a presence in the online world and invest in these channels. Another point that needs to be strengthened is consumer behaviour. That's because, in a Social Miner survey, 75% of consumers said they research.
Online before making a purchase, whether to check prices, deals or product information. Today, therefore, participation in online events is fundamental for companies to secure their market position. Agencies must therefore play a role in showing their clients that if they do not invest in campaigns, they will fail and, as a result, they will fall behind in searches across important browsers. Step 02 ❙ Demonstrate the benefits of investing After a client recognizes the need to invest in media, he needs to understand what are the advantages.